In case of date format checking in PHP just use this function:
function checkDateFormat($date)
//match the format of the date
if (preg_match ("/^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})$/", $date, $parts))
//check weather the date is valid of not
return true;
return false;
return false;
Git features The Stash, which is as much as a good place to store uncommitted changes. When you stash you changes, the will be stored, and your working copy will be reverted to HEAD (the last commit revision) of your code.
When you restore your stash, you changes are reapplied and you continue working on your code.
Stash your current changes
$ git stash save
Saved "WIP on master: f12345..."
List current stashes
Yes, you can have more than one!! The stash works like a stack. Every time you save a new stash, it's put on top of the stack.
$ git stash list
stash@{0}: WIP on master: f12345..."
Note the stash@{0} part? That's your stash ID, you'll need it to restore it later on. Let's do that now. The stash ID changes with every stash you make. stash@{0} refers to the last stash you made.
Apply a stash
$ git stash apply stash@{0}
You may notice the stash is still there after you have applied it. You can drop it if you don't need it any more.
$ git stash drop stash@{0}
Or, because the stash acts like a stack, you can pop off the last stash you saved:
$ git stash pop
If you want to wipe all your stashes away, run the 'clear' command:
$ git stash clear
It may very well be that you don't use stashes that often. If you just want to quickly stash your changes to restore them later, you can leave out the stash ID.
To ignore whitespace (Ruby is whitespace insensitive)
git config --global apply.whitespace nowarn
Some nice aliases:
gb = git branch
gba = git branch -a
gc = git commit -v
gd = git diff | mate
gl = git pull
gp = git push
gst = git status
Start using git
git init
Ignoring files
Add a file in the root directory called .gitignore and add some files to it: (comments begin with hash)
*.log db/schema.rb db/schema.sql
Git automatically ignores empty directories. If you want to have a log/ directory, but want to ignore all the files in it, add the following lines to the root .gitignore: (lines beginning with ‘!’ are exceptions)
log/* !.gitignore
Then add an empty .gitignore in the empty directory:
touch log/.gitignore
Scheduling the addition of all files to the next commit
git add .
Checking the status of your repository
git status
Committing files
git commit -m "First import"
Seeing what files have been committed
git ls-files
Scheduling deletion of a file
git rm [file name]
Committing all changes in a repository
git commit -a
Scheduling the addition of an individual file to the next commit
git add [file name]
Viewing the difference as you commit
git commit -v
Commit and type the message on the command line
git commit -m "This is the message describing the commit"
Commit and automatically get any other changes
git commit -a
A “normal” commit command
git commit -a -v
Viewing a log of your commits
git log
Viewing a log of your commits with a graph to show the changes
git log --stat
Viewing a log with pagination
git log -v
Visualizing git changes
gitk --all
Creating a new tag and pushing it to the remote branch
The state of your file system will change after executing this command.
git checkout [name of the branch you want to switch to]
git co [name of the branch you want to switch to]
Making sure changes on master appear in your branch
git rebase master
Merging a branch back into the master branch
First, switch back to the master branch:
git co master
Check to see what changes you’re about to merge together, compare the two branches:
git diff master xyz
If you’re in a branch that’s not the xyz branch and want to merge the xyz branch into it:
git merge xyz
Reverting changes to before said merge
git reset --hard ORIG_HEAD
Resolving conflicts
Remove the markings, add the file, then commit.
Creating a branch (and switching to the new branch) in one line
git checkout -b [name of new branch]
Creating a stash (like a clipboard) of changes to allow you to switch branches without committing
git stash save "Put a message here to remind you of what you're saving to the clipboard"
Switching from the current branch to another
git co [branch you want to switch to]
Do whatever
Then switch back to the stashed branch
git co [the stashed branch]
Viewing a list of stashes
git stash list
Loading back the stash
git stash apply
Now you can continue to work where you were previously.
Deleting a branch (that has been merged back at some point)
git branch -d [name of branch you want to delete]
Deleting an unmerged branch
git branch -D [name of branch you want to delete]
Deleting a stash
git stash clear
Setting up a repository for use on a remote server
Copy up your repository. e.g.:
scp -r my_project
Move your files on the remote server to /var/git/my_project
For security make the owner of this project git
On the repository server:
sudo chown -R git:git my_project
Then (for security) restrict the “deploy” user to doing git-related things in /etc/passwd with a git-shell.
Checking out a git repository from a remote to your local storage
git clone
Viewing extra info about a remote repository
cat .git/config
By virtue of having cloned the remote repository, your local repository becomes the slave and will track and synchronize with the remote master branch.
Updating a local branch from the remote server
git pull
Downloading a copy of an entire repository (e.g. laptop) without merging into your local branch
git fetch laptop
Merging two local branches (ie. your local xyz branch with your local master branch)USE MERGE
git merge laptop/xyz
This merged the (already copied laptop repository’s xyz branch) with the current branch you’re sitting in.
Viewing metadata about a remote repository
git remote show laptop
Pushing a committed local change from one local branch to another remote branch
git push laptop xyz
Creating a tracking branch (i.e. to link a local branch to a remote branch)
git branch --track local_branch remote_branch
You do not need to specify the local branch if you are already sitting in it.
git pull
Note: You can track(link) different local branches to different remote machines. For example, you can track your friend’s “upgrade” branch with your “bobs_upgrade” branch, and simultaneously you can track the origin’s “master” branch (of your main webserver) with your local “master” branch.
By convention, ‘origin’ is the local name given to the remote centralized server which is the waySVN is usually set up on a remote server.
Seeing which local branches are tracking a remote branch
git remote show origin
Working with a remote Subversion repository (but with git locally)
git-svn clone [http location of an svn repository]
Now you can work with the checked out directory as though it was a git repository. (cuz it is)
Pushing (committing) changes to a remote Subversion repository
git-svn dcommit
Updating a local git repository from a remote Subversion repository
git-svn rebase
NOTE: make sure you have your perl bindings to your local svn installation.
At some point, you may have a situation where you want to center multiple elements (maybe <div> elements, or other block elements) on a single line in a fixed-width area. Centering a single element in a fixed area is easy. Just add margin: auto and a fixed width to the element you want to center, and the margins will force the element to center.
There really should be a similar simple way to center multiple elements evenly spaced. It would be nice if CSS had a property called “box-align” which you could set to “center” then the child elements would be centered evenly within their parent.
Well, you can achieve something similar by taking advantage of CSS’s flexibity with “recasting” elements (for lack of a better term). View a demo of what I’ll be describing in this short tutorial.
The Usual Way
Normally, in such a situation, you would just float the boxes, then add left and right margins to space them out accordingly. But that can get a little messy, because IE6 doesn’t like margins on floats, and you always have to have a different id or class for elements on which you don’t want margins (like the last and/or the first).
You can get around the IE6 problem by adding display: inline in an IE6-only declaration, but your code will still be somewhat messy because of the extra code to get the first and/or last item to behave. Also, the last box could fall to the next line in IE.
There’s another solution to this that might work better in certain circumstances.
Use inline-block and control white space
To achieve the same effect as adding floats and margins, you can simply “recast” your block-level elements as inline blocks, and then manipulate the white space between them. Here is how the CSS might look:
In my example above, I’m assuming there are four child boxes, each with the class child, and each 100 pixels by 100 pixels. The boxes are naturally block-level elements, but the CSS changes them to inline-block, which allows them to flow naturally with text and white space. Of course, since we don’t have any text in the parent container, controlling the text and white space will not be a problem.
The parent element (with the id parent in this example) has four key text properties set, and the children have two:
text-align makes all inline child elements centered
letter-spacing controls the size of each white space unit between boxes
white-space: nowrap keeps the last element from potentially dropping to the next line
overflow: hidden prevents the box from stretching in IE6
vertical-align: middle (on the children) keeps the boxes on the same vertical plane as each other when content is added
display: inline-block (obviously)
Internet Explorer Rears its Ugly Head
What would a CSS solution be without an Internet Explorer issue to work around? While this method works exactly the same in every browser (including IE8), IE6 and IE7 don’t cooperate, because they don’t fully support inline-block. To get those browsers to show virtually the same result, you need to add the following CSS:
.child {
*display: inline;
*margin: 0 20px 0 20px;
The CSS above must apply only to IE6 and IE7, and it has to appear after the other CSS. In my code (and in the code example above) I’ve accomplished this by using the star hack. The asterisk (or star) at the beginning of each line hides both lines from every browser except IE6 and IE7. The margins added here help us get the same visual result, and the new display property is taking advantage of a bug in those browsers that makes a block element work like its inline when you declare display: inline-block followed by display: inline.
Drawbacks / Final Thoughts
Not many drawbacks to this. You just have to make sure the white space and text settings that you apply are reset on any child elements inside the boxes. So, while this may work when you have straight images or other non-text content, it may be more trouble than its worth if your boxes are fully loaded with diverse content.
But nonetheless a good technique to know when you have to center some block elements with equal spacing, and you don’t want to apply extra classes on the end units. And this technique will be even more important when the older versions of IE disappear from general use.
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Mail_Transport_Exception' with message 'Unable to send mail. ' in /.........../Zend/Zend/Mail/Transport/Sendmail.php:137
Postfix is running, PHP can connect to Postfix.
We have got In Apache error_log:
postdrop: warning: uid=48: File too large
The default max message size for Postfix is 10240000 bytes. Thus we do: